Pet & Me Aura Photo Connection (2 Photos)


The bond between you and your pet goes beyond words! The Pet & Me Aura Photo Package is a unique aura photo experience that will give you a life-long momento.

Our Pet & Me Aura Photo Connection package (2 photos) allows you to explore the energetic bond between you and your furry companion. This unique package includes an individual aura photograph for you, & a joint aura photo capturing the energy you share with your pet, with personalized readings for both aura photos. Gain insights into your unique human-pet bond and see the effect that you pet has on your energy simply by holding or touching them.

Feeling Spontaneous? Same Day Appointments Welcome!

If you don’t see availability in the schedule for the date/time you want it may already be sold out or scheduling hasn’t been opened yet for that date. Please text us on 831-521-5076 or email us at to check on openings for your desired date.

Select Your Package Below To Book An Appointment: | Follow Us On Instagram: @HollywoodAuras