Chakra Balancing Alignment Scan


Book Today And Learn About Your Current Chakra Levels!

In this session via our hand sensor we will take a Chakra Scan so you can see their current status, along with your body/mind/spirit, yin/yang and stress/relaxation levels. We will also discuss with you the findings & provide recommendations for balancing your energy system. (There is no Aura Photo or discussion of the aura in this option and this is for 1 person only)

You will receive:

  • A 7 page chakra report (emailed) that gives you a colourful, visual and graphical representation of the measured data. View A Sample Chakra Report
  • The Chakra report includes chakra size and shape overview, chakra levels for all 7 chakras and your aura chakra balance.

Upgrade to our VIP package and get in-depth insight into your aura, chakras & personality typeperfect for those who have never had an aura photo before as it deep dives into who you are – this package includes an emailed 22 page comprehensive In-Depth report! View a Sample 22pg In-depth Report.

Feeling Spontaneous? Same Day Appointments Welcome!

If you don’t see availability in the schedule for the date/time you want it may already be sold out or scheduling hasn’t been opened yet for that date. Please text us on 831-521-5076 or email us at to check on openings for your desired date.

Select Your Package Below To Book An Appointment: | Follow Us On Instagram: @HollywoodAuras